Prof. Lin Li
Associate Dean
The University of Manchester, UK.
United Kingdom
Professor Lin Li, an elected Fellow of Royal Academy of Engineering, UK, is the Director of Laser Processing Research Centre at The University of Manchester UK. He has over 600 publications in peer reviewed journals and conference proceedings and 50 patents, related to photonic science, laser processing and advanced manufacturing. He has served as President of Laser Institute of America, President of International Academy of Photonics and Laser Engineering and President of Association of Laser Users. Professor Li received Sir Frank Whittle Medal from the Royal Academy of Engineering, UK in 2013 for his outstanding and sustained achievements in engineering innovations in manufacturing. He received the Wolfson Research Merit Award from the Royal Society in 2014 for his research in optical micro/nano science. He also received Charles Main Award from Institute of Mechanical Engineers for his work in the application of lasers in nuclear decommissioning. He received distinguished achievement medal as Researcher of the Year in 2014 from The University of Manchester.
Research Interest
Surface functionalisation of materials by laser micro/nano structuring, meta-materials, 3D printing, welding, Nano-materials, materials processing and manufacturing technologies, laser processing of materials.