Leszek Adam Dobrzanski
World Academy of Materials and Manufacturing Engineering
Leszek Adam Dobrzanski is a Full-time Professor of Materials Engineering, Manufacturing Engineering , Nanotechnology, Medical and Dental Engineering in the Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice, Poland and a Supervisory Board Chairman, Project Manager and Principal Investigator in the Medical and Dental Engineering Centre for Research, Design and Production ASKLEPIOS Ltd in Gliwice, Poland. He is a Doctor Honoris Causa of the Universities in Bulgaria, Hungary and Ukraine. He is a Fellow of the Materials Science Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences PAS and the President of the Metallic Materials Section of this Committee. He is a Vice President and a Fellow of the Academy of Engineers in Poland. He is a foreign Fellow of the Ukrainian Academy of Engineering Sciences and the Slovak Academy of Engineering Sciences. He is the President of the World Academy of Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, and a President of the International Association of Computational Materials Science and Surface Engineering. He is the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, Archives of Materials Science and Engineering and Open Access
Research Interest
The scientific interests of Prof. Leszek Adam Dobrzanski include materials science and materials engineering, design and operation of machines, organisation and management, within the specialisation: metal and non-metal engineering materials (metals, polymers, ceramics, and composites) including raw materials, functional materials, photovoltaics and materials for renewable energy, metal and ceramic tool materials, light metals alloys, biomedical and dental engineering and materials, nanotechnology and nanostructural materials, gradient technologies and materials, fundamentals of production engineering, engineering materials manufacturing and processing technologies, plastic forming, thermal and thermomechanical treatment of metal alloys, powder metallurgy, surface engineering, including PVD and CVD coatings, as well as laser alloying and remelting, automation and robotisation of engineering materials processing, investigation methodology of structure and properties of engineering materials, materials design methodology, computational materials science, computer assistance of engineering tasks and didactics, applied computer science, technical and computer science education and e-learning, industrial management and foresight research.